How to prepare for your appointment
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not get any facial treatments or botox 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Do not have a sunburned face when coming in for your procedure.
You must be off all Retinols for 14 days prior to your appointment, preferably 30 days. Retinol below the eye area down, is ok.
Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil and/or Ibuprofen 48 hours prior to your procedure. Please do NOT discontinue any of these if medically prescribed by your doctor. Tylenol is fine.
No Alcohol 24 hours prior to the procedure.
Come to your appointment with your eyebrows penciled the way you like them (optional). If you don’t normally pencil them in, don’t worry about it.
If getting lash liner, come with no eye makeup on and NO EYELASH EXTENSIONS.
If using eyelash or brow growth serum (Latisse) or there like, you must discontinue use 4 weeks prior to procedure and wait until 4 weeks after procedure before continuing use (for lash liner only).
Do not wear contact lenses to your appointment (for lash liner only).
Children are NOT allowed in the studio during permanent makeup procedures.
Reminder: Permanent makeup can not be performed if pregnant, breastfeeding or on Accutane with-in the last 12 months (6 months with a doctor's note). If this applies to you while waiting for you appointment, please contact me to reschedule.
Please arrive to your appointment on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be asked to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit.
1 hour after procedure, wash your brows with cleanser provided (Dial Gold), wash lash line with warm water.
Pat dry & let air dry for 5 min (Important skin is completely dry before applying ointment).
Apply a very thin layer of Aquaphor. Brows/lash line should look shiny, but you should not see ointment. Too much ointment is not good.
Repeat morning & night for 10 days (cleanse, dry, Aquaphor).
Keep brows/lash line dry otherwise (no swimming & cover in shower with wash cloth).
Do not let any other products or makeup touch the tattooed area for the first 10 days.
If you got your lash liner done, you can wear mascara after 24 hours as long as it's a new tube.
No working out for 10 days.
You will need to get more cleanser. Dial Gold or fragrance-free baby shampoo works well.
Hang onto the ointment, it's enough for both sessions. If you need more, only purchase Aquaphor.
Your brows will look darker & possibly red-ish the first 5-7 days. Don't judge your brows the first 10 days. Also remember, they are only 1/2 done after the first session.
Avoid potent skincare products on eyebrows, this includes anything extremely exfoliating, acids chemical peels, retinols, skin bleachers.
AFTER THE FIRST 10 DAYS Apply a day cream with SPF over your brows to help prevent fading.